Muskoka Pest Control inc.
Helpful Hints
Keeping your house clean reduces the number of pests that are food sources for spiders. To prevent pests from entering your home, weather strip or caulk windows and doors and repair screens. When cleaning your garage or basement or working in your garden, it is a good idea to wear gloves to avoid exposing yourself to unexpected spider bites.
- Sweep or vacuum baseboards and corners of rooms often to remove any food debris.
- Remove spider webs when spiders are not in them.
- Sweep behind washers and dryers often and rearrange furniture periodically to avoid spiders spinning webs in the same location.
- Keep clothing, shoes and blankets off the floor so that spiders do not hide in them during the day.
- Use yellow light bulbs outdoors to attract fewer insects, thereby discouraging spiders from spinning webs near your house.