Muskoka Pest Control inc.
Helpful Hints
- Avoidance is the best protection. Stay away from active hives and be careful around hollow tree trunks or dry structures where the insects prefer to make their nests. Some species such as Yellow Jackets, may construct their nests in dense shrubs or in the ground. Restrain children from throwing rocks or spraying nests with water. Avoid creating loud noises and disturbance near the nest.
- Stay calm. When a wasp or hornet is near you, slowly raise your hands to protect your face, remaining calm and stationary for a while and then move very slowly away. Never swing, strike, or run rapidly away since quick movement often provokes attack and painful stings.
- Do not use heavily-scented products. When outdoors, avoid the use of heavily-scented soaps, shampoos, perfumes, colognes, after-shaves, and cosmetics.
- Dress appropriately. Avoid shiny buckles and jewellery. Cover exposed skin and wear gray, white, or tan rather than bright colours.
- Leave the insects alone. In the garden, bees and wasps are attracted to many flowers. Leave them in peace and they will move from flower to flower and eventually, out of your space.